For anyone curious, I got around to bottling this batch(yes, I did the
minimum 28 days on this bathc and the one before, and probably on next two
too. Trying to get enough of a stock here of drinkable homemade wine that I
can start lengthening the aging times and continually improve the product).
But anyway, pulled a bit to check that it had cleared first, and while it's
not a white white, it's a definite pink color, as white zinfandels or white
merlots often are. So I suspect the color I initiially saw was a
combination of bubbles, the various matter that later settled, and just not
being used to seeing a wine liek this in a 6 gallon carboy, rather than in a
750ml bottle(which obviously lets more light through, as it passes through
less wine). Tasted the bit I pulled out to check clearness too, ended up
tasting great, jus twhat I like, a light white, a bit sweet. In other
words, what's generally a simple, cheap white wine, but hey, in white's,
that's what I like, at least a lot of the time.
Thanks again for all the input on this thread.