_.-In rec.food.cooking, JimLane wrote the following -._
> Faux_Pseudo wrote:
>> _.-In rec.food.cooking, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote the following -._
>>>I bought some at the greek market the other day because someone on
>>>Austin.food had raved about it, and I find it rather salty and overly
>>>rich. Sure not an eating cheese.
>>>What can I cook with it that would be low carb?
>> http://fauxascii.com/food/Lamb_and_C...esadillas.html
>> http://fauxascii.com/food/Goat_Chees...amb_Pizza.html
> Reminds me of the Cooking for Engineers recipe format.
It is the formate I use for my palm PDA. Just enough info per line to
glance at while cooking that fits comfortably on a 2x3 screen.
Accomplish the step and move to the next one. I do agree it is more
procedural than most recopies. Sometimes I have to fight the urge to
put a loop in there
until [[ "$PASTA" == "al dente" ]] ; do boil ; done
.-')) fauxascii.com ('-. | It's a damn poor mind that
' ..- .:" ) ( ":. -.. ' | can only think of one way to
((,,_;'.;' UIN=66618055 ';. ';_,,)) | spell a word.
((_.YIM=Faux_Pseudo :._)) | - Andrew Jackson