In article >,
"Sherry" > wrote:
> "Ann" > wrote in message
> > Well colon cancer, other cancers and/or heart disease are probably more
> > likely than the mad cow/sheep disease.
> > Colon problems are almost guaranteed: hemmoroids, fissures, polops,
> > colon diseases of all varieties and of course ultimately, colon cancer.
> >
> > All that meat leaves it's mark. But eat up and enjoy!
> >
> Well guys, let's just close up the newsgroup and go home...Ann says we're
> ruining our health so it must be so.
> Last one out, don't forget to shut off the lights!
> --
> Sherry
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson