Thread: Feta Cheese?
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sf wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 07:39:27 -0500, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > IMHO dried powdered ginger is only good in baked items and I don't care
> > much for it that way either. I don't think there is ANY similarity in
> > the flavor of fresh vs. dried ginger root.

> I've often wondered about the "why" of that.

What's to wonder... dehydrating significantly
*concentrates/intensifies* flavor... a raisin tastes different from a
grape, yes? And in most cases, due to cell damage, it's not possible
to fully rehydrate (so dehy ingredients will impart flavor different
from fresh). If you think about it most all foods are far more potent
in their dehydrated state... ginger too if it weren't powdered and old,
with spices (ginger is a spice, not an herb) it's the grinding that
releases the essential oils, which is why freshly ground peppercorns
are so much more flavorful than pre-ground. Penzeys sells whole dehy
ginger root... you can grind it yourself... most of what you buy in the
stupidmarket is already ancient when you bring it home, and then it
sits on your shelf, often for years...WTF do you expect? If you grind
some of Penzeys whole ginger root, make a paste, let is set a bit and
taste, it'll make the top of your skull feel like it's slammed up
against the ceiling, like Chinese mustard and horseradish, individually
and together, only moreso. Fresh ginger root is also more
traditionaslly used in cooking, dried ginger root in baking... you're
probably not used to gingerbread men with fresh roots. hehe

Now you have one less thing to wonder.
