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Mike Petro
Posts: n/a

On 21 Aug 2005 10:31:59 -0400, (Scott Dorsey) wrote:

>gomper > wrote:
>>Bluesea wrote:
>>> 1. Pour water.
>>> 2. Let steep for 30 - 45 seconds - no stirring required.
>>> 3. Pour water out.
>>> 4. Using fresh water, steep as usual.

>This may not work well for something like a gunpowder tea which is in
>balls that need some soaking to open, because you won't have as good an
>opportunity to get the caffeine into solution.

Hi Scott, I just posted something very similar to this in the puerh
caffeine thread. To rinse a ball type tea, or flaked but still
compressed pieces of puerh, I have found that it works well to do one
rinse, then let the tea sit for a minute or two so the compressed tea
can start to absorb some moisture and expand a little, then rinse it a
second time. The effect on the flavor of puerh, not sure about
gunpowder, is negligible.
Mike Petro
"In this work, when it shall be found that much is omitted, let it not be forgotten that much likewise is performed."
Samuel Johnson, 1775, upon finishing his dictionary.