In article <fI2Oe.22859$Ie.4278@lakeread03>,
Faux_Pseudo > wrote:
> _.-In, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote the following -._
> > I'm going to have to check Central Market or Whole Foods
> > and see if they have affordable lamb. ;-)
> Most affordable lamb I ever found, was a 2 1/2 pound butterfly cut of
> lamb for $0.02 per pound. No I am not joking. I was at a Farm
> Fresh in VA and looking to see which package had the right amount of
> lamb in it for my needs I noticed that this one that looked just like
> all the rest had been completly miss priced even though it was labled
> as the correct product. So for 5 cents I couldn't pass it up since
> misspriced products must (by law) be sold for the lowerest of the
> competing prices.
> It was damn tasty.
Even tastier because you got a hell of a deal. ;-)
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson