Steve Jackson wrote:
> "Kenji" > wrote in message
> >
> > Steve Jackson wrote:
> >
> >> Rogue seems to be
> >> getting on just fine selling nothing but bombers.
> >
> > They've been packaging some of their beers in 12 oz bottles for at
> > least seven or eight years.
> I remember 7 oz nips for quite a while, but the 12 ouncers have been recent,
> in least in terms of what I've seen.
Rogue's imperial stout and a few others have fairly recently (in the
past few years) begun to appear in 12 ounce bottles. But I used to see
several of their beers -- Younger's Bitter, American Amber, Honey Cream
Ale, etc. -- in 12 ounce bottles as long ago as 1994 or 1995.
> Of course, when I first posted that, I'd forgotten about the 12s, and I'd
> forgotten that I've seen them for at least a couple years. And there are
> also plenty of things that seem like they happened recently that turned out
> have happened something like five years ago. So you may be right. Just
> because it seems recent to me doesn't mean much, apparently.
> However, I'm pretty certain the Bear Republic I'm drinking right now comes
> only in bombers or kegs, and they seem to be getting by just fine. Which is
> good. I think I'd actually cry if Racer 5 vanished from the face of the
> earth.
Yeah, I have only seen the Bear Republic beers bottled in bombers. I
like their Hop Rod Rye.