One time on Usenet, Christine Dabney > said:
> On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 19:16:12 GMT,
> (AlleyGator) wrote:
> >Christine Dabney > wrote:
> >
> >>Heya all,
> >>
> >>I found this handy little map thingie from Google, whereby we can show
> >>where we all live. You don't have to put down your address, so it is
> >>rather annoymous, but it can pinpoint you rather well.
> >>
> >>I set up one for RFC, in case you want to place yourself on the map.
> >
> >Well, I put mine there, then when I zoomed in, it was WAAAY off where
> >I intended it to be. It won't let me fix it, will it?
> Well, when I put myself on there, I zoomed in first...way close...
> then put myself on my exact street and everything.
> If you want to redo it, I can delete the first one...
Okay, I went to:
And all I'm getting (using Netscape and MSIE) is a blank page that
says "RFC'ers (click on map to add a marker)", but no map? Any idea
what's wrong, do I need a different browser?
Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, VidGamer, novice cook, dieter ~