Gabby wrote:
> "Andy" <Q> wrote in message
> .. .
>>A few tips...
>>If you have a two button mouse, hold the left mouse button down to drag
>>the world around. That way, the navigation controls do "hover" over the
>>map and you don't have to scroll the browser's window around.
>>After you click on an RFC head (where's the chef hats?) and their
>>"balloon" displays, grab the zoom "thumb" and throw it to the top for a
>>quick, accurate "zoom in to the max" of that member.
> Anyone notice Sheldon is 'all wet'? According to his icon he lives in the
> middle of Lake Superior.
Why doesn't that surprise me. OTOH there is really good fishing on Lake
Superior so perhaps he has some good recipes for cooking fish
PS. Sheldon, I just funning with you. So far you've been ok with me.
As long as it stays that way no problems on my end. Now do you have any
good fish recipes?
> Gabby