One time on Usenet, The Joneses > said:
> "S'mee [AKA Jani]" wrote:
> > And all I'm getting (using Netscape and MSIE) is a blank page that
> > says "RFC'ers (click on map to add a marker)", but no map? Any idea
> > what's wrong, do I need a different browser?
> My old version of netscape did the same - I opened the SBCYahoo browser that
> came with my DSL link and worked fine. See if y'all got IE or OE still on your
> hard drive. Use that.
Thanks, Edrena -- I wound up downloading Firefox, which Miguel has been
bugging me to do anyway... :-)
Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, VidGamer, novice cook, dieter ~