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Alan S wrote:

>>Geeze, with all that glop blended in and poured over you can use Alpo
>>and wouldn't know any different. A great burger needs nothing but a
>>great roll... zero, nada, zip... but the ONLY way to achieve quality
>>burgers, and consistantly, is to grind your own... preground mystery
>>meat just won't cut it. Of course anyone who would choose to eat
>>preground mystery meat obviously has their taste in their ass, so a
>>good burger would be wasted on them... those are fools just like you,
>>more interested in the condiments than the meat. And regardless the
>>cooking technique, again it's all wasted on preground mystery meat.
>>Great burgers begin (and end) with a quality cut of meat (that has
>>never been frozen), ground yourself (so you'll know with 100% certainty
>>what/who is in it), and cooked within one hour of grinding... needs
>>nothing but a bit of s n' p. And meat you grind yourself can *safely*
>>be cooked as rare as you like.
>>What's with yoose kitchen kooks, talking burgers but don't own a meat
>>grinder... you're all sick puppys.

> Alpo falls apart - you obviously don't know anything at all about cooking
> with dog food. You sit there and pontificate about Gaine's burgers? Blech!
> EVERYone knows that Gaine's uses their own personally ground meat. The
> thought of some idiot dropping his cigar ashes into my dog food as opposed
> to buying a perfectly packaged (you know the packaging protects it from
> germs and debris) can of Pedigree is disgusting. You REALLY should study up
> on your dog food before advising any more puppies (not puppys Sheldon -
> details son ... details). Oh, and by the way, that is a very nice sauce if
> you ever wanted to actually cook something.

Excuse me but you are using the wrong tins of food. Our local Chinese
joint makes the best chicken balls out of cat meat and the cats aren't
canned either. Fresh is always better so I'm told They even have a
sideline business selling the cat fur for Barbie doll clothes. What a
country when you can make so much money while cooking!

Actually it is true this restaurant was caught doing this as sick as it
sounds but in their culture cats and dogs are food. One of their kid's
job was to trap cats. The health inspectors weren't too pleased with
them. It was a big to do here and in all the papers. We won't eat there!