Dave W. wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> Well, OK, Jill. I put myself in my neighbors back yard. If I don't
>>> get out of there pretty fast, I'll be in deep trouble. Can you
>>> delete me? (Ooh, that sound pretty ominous!) I'll put me where I
>>> belong, safe and sound in my own yard.
>>> Dave W. (in Northwest Arkansas ... standing in my neighbor's woods)
>> The only Dave I see has a comment "Here I am... where are you?" Is
>> that the one?
>> Jill
> That would be me ... yes indeed!
> Thank you for your kind attention. With fond regards, I remain,
> in the woods!
> Dave W.
> PS: every time I go outside now, I sense thousands of RFC eyes peering
> at me from the heavens!
LOL You're outta the woods now, Dave! (whew!)