Nancy Young wrote:
> "~patches~" > wrote
>>Actually it is true this restaurant was caught doing this as sick as it
>>sounds but in their culture cats and dogs are food.
> Well, I bet they didn't advertise that fact, did they, so they
> knew it was wrong/would not be well received here. Their
> culture is no excuse.
>>One of their kid's job was to trap cats. The health inspectors weren't
>>too pleased with them. It was a big to do here and in all the papers. We
>>won't eat there!
> (laugh) I guess not! They have demonstrated they don't care
> what they trick you into eating. Guess what! I don't care to give
> you money, happy now?
> Well, now I guess I'll have to think of something different for
> dinner, suddenly chinese food isn't on the menu.
Sorry about that. DH loves Chinese but what happened at this restaurant
really made him leery so I started doing Chinese at home. I make a
pretty good beef & broccoli, stir fry veggies, fried rice, and egg
rolls. I do my own sprouts for stir fry too and chop suey. I did a
nice chicken dish using cubed chicken in a sweet & sour dish but I
couldn't figure out how to do the breading and I don't like breading
anyway. It went over good. So it kind of spurred me into learning
how to cook some Chinese dishes. All was not lost. Funny thing local
people still talk about this place and won't go there either. Only
outsiders eat there so I really don't know how they stay in business.
> (smile) nancy