Ophelia wrote:
> "Dee Randall" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 14:27:05 +0200, cathyxyz wrote:
>>>> sf wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Kathy, if it makes any difference... you live in one of my "must
>>>> > visit" areas.
>>>> You should come over here, if you can, sf. Most people really
>>>> enjoy coming to South Africa for a visit - the weather is great
>>>> (most of the
>>>> year), the people are friendly and we have good food too
>>>> you
>>>> ever tried ostrich? Yummy.
>>> Visit So. Africa is second on my "to do" list. #1 is to take a
>>> cruise
>>> from Scandinavia along the coast of Europe to Russia.
>> #1 trip for me is Malta. Does anyone personally know about this as a
>> destination trip -- within the last couple of years.
> Ahh I used to live there
> http://www.visitmalta.com/
> http://www.tisjir.com/recipes/english.htm
> I lived there for four years and would return to live, in a
> heartbeat
> More then a couple of years though
> Ophelia
I'm still trying to get to Scotland! A friend of mine mailed me a packet of
information about places to visit, B&B's, pubs, etc. I wouldn't know of any
relatives there since my family came to the U.S. too many years ago but it's
still #1 on my places to visit.