> > We ought to be more careful with nomenclature if we're going to
> > use it as a basis for ad-hominem attacks or to confuse newbies and
> > who (at their own risk) seek authoritative and/or scientific knowledge.
> On the contrary, if we're to confuse newbies, and especially if we're
> to engage in ad-hominem attacks, careless nomenclature is essential,
> you cur!
I con-cur with your discursion. But compelling confusion rests on a solidly
corrupt foundation of credibility, which is best achieved by consistency in
the erroneous message.
Works for certain administrations, anyway.
ObTea: In addition to what others have said in this thread, one ought to
consider the several nonlinearities present in brewing. Progressive leaf
hydration was already mentioned by implication, with changes ranging from
disrupted hydrophobic interactions and cavity entrainment at the molecular
scale, to modified boundary-layer transport at the macro level. In the first
couple of steeps, as well, local concentration of solutes at the leaf
surface may be so high as to modify solvent properties materially, which
would change both the absolute rate of brewing and the relative dissolution
rates of very hydrophilic (sugars, amino acids) and more hydrophobic
(polyphenols) components.