Thread: RFC map
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Dee Randall wrote:
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> k...
>> "Dee Randall" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 14:27:05 +0200, cathyxyz wrote:
>>>>> sf wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Kathy, if it makes any difference... you live in one of my
>>>>> "must > visit" areas.
>>>>> You should come over here, if you can, sf. Most people really
>>>>> enjoy coming to South Africa for a visit - the weather is great
>>>>> (most of
>>>>> the
>>>>> year), the people are friendly and we have good food too Have
>>>>> you
>>>>> ever tried ostrich? Yummy.
>>>> Visit So. Africa is second on my "to do" list. #1 is to take a
>>>> cruise
>>>> from Scandinavia along the coast of Europe to Russia.
>>> #1 trip for me is Malta. Does anyone personally know about this as
>>> a destination trip -- within the last couple of years.

>> Ahh I used to live there)
>> I lived there for four years and would return to live, in a
>> heartbeat)
>> More then a couple of years though
>> Ophelia

> Thanks for the links; particularly the second one. Malta looks soo
> special to me. I have a limey friend (probably in his 70's) whose
> father is buried in Malta. I know not of the circumstance; the
> personal history was private. I've always imagined Malta more
> intriguing than "Casablanca."
> Thanks,
> Dee Dee

I bought my parents the video of Casablanca... can you believe my (then) 73
year old mother had never *ever* seen that film?? OMG! One day last year I
called her on the phone and she was all like, you're interrupting us, we're
watching 'Casablanca'. LOL Oh, pardon me!

In my dreams, plop me down in Ricks. Everyone loves Ricks.
