OLD cast iron?
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The Wolf
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OLD cast iron?
On 9/29/03 8:28 PM, in article
"PENMART01" > opined:
> The Wolf > writes:
>> "Michel Boucher" > opined:
>>> Dans un moment de folie, "Bob Myers"
>>> > écrivit:
>>> If it has damaged the surface, I'd
>>> just keep them as decorations.
>> You know less about cookware than politics! And THAT is hard to believe.
>> They will clean up fine.
> Neither of yoose loud mouths know shit from shinola about politics, but here
> Boucher is 100% correct (dumb luck) and you, Lobo douche bag, are 100%
> incorrect.
Eat shit and bark at the moon! I'd point out how completely stupid you are
but I have to run to an Arnold rally. It's just too much fun watching a demo
get fired!
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