On 24-Aug-2005, shootr <gunz.net@> wrote:
> >Best results are found using the 10/5 method. Every ten minutes, you open
> >the cooker and wiggle the wings and legs vigorously for five minutes. this
> >gets the bird moving, thus opening the pores to absorb moisture. Be sure to
> >keep a good size pan of water near the fire so it will evaporate.
> >
> >I know some of you may be skeptical, but it works. You just have to prove
> >it to yourself by trying it. You'll soon be a convert and do this with all
> >your barbecue. Important: Don't go more than 10 minutes at rest or the
> >meat will start to dry again.
> >
> >
> Yup I tried this with a meatloaf but all it wants to do is sit in
> front of the TV and drink beer.........
I tried it just once. My beer got **** warm before I would drink it and the DW
locked me out of the house for leaving the door open too long.
The Brick said that (Don't bother to agree with me, I have already changed my mind.)
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