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jake wrote:

> I just made it (simmer milk with a splash a vinegar, drain when it
> curdles). It tastes different from the 2 store brands I know, but it
> tastes good. Much cheaper than buying it, too. And I suppose I could
> add flavors before heating it, letting them infuse beforehand. Spices,
> herbs, vanilla, all worth a try.

How much and what kind of milk did you use? Cottage cheese is a comfort
food for me.

> It has made me want to make my own ricotta and mozzarella. I've looked
> up how to do it, but it means I'll have to buy a suitable thermometer
> and cheese cloth.And rennet, ti seems. But I will when I get a chance.
> Isn't it fascinating that some cheeses are so easy to make you can
> easily do it at home?

Have you tried making your own yogurt. It's easy to do too.