jake wrote:
> Actually, I did use UHT 0% milk (feel free to say ew). That's all I had.
> So thank you for the recommendations. I am thinking my supermarket might
> still sell goat's milk, that would call for an experiment, too.
Hey, homemade cheese made with UHT milk is still a heck of a lot better
than cheese you'll get from a store. Keep looking around for suppliers
and experimenting with different types and brands of milk. Definitely
give the goat's milk a try.
> Is aging cheeses possible in small apartments? I wouldn't know where to
> (safely) store the cheese? All I can think of is the fridge, but ti
> might be too moist?
Yes, it's pretty easy. I started out using containers in my garage
but now I use dedicated refrigerators. They're much more convenient
and they're completely sanitary. Using a non-dedicated fridge
(i.e. your regular kitchen fridge) is a problem because the temp
has to be too low, you'll have problems maintaining the right
humidity, plus there can be transfer of food odors. If you're
in a small apartment maybe you could get one of those mini
I maintain an average temp of around 50 F and an average humidity
of about 70-80%. I adjust the temp and humidity by setting the fridge
thermostat to it's highest setting and throttling it on and off
using a timer. To monitor everything, a very good, remote
thermometer/hygrometer is available from radio shack.
<http://www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&category%5Fname=CT LG%5F010%5F005%5F001%5F000&product%5Fid=63%2D1089>
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