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Bob (this one)
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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "Bob (this one)"
> > wrote:
>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>"Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>>"Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>>>>>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>>>The Joneses wrote:
>>>>>>>>Trust me on this one the dohinkies are far more superiour than the
>>>>>>>>watchamacollits. They cook up so much nicer and no sticking on the
>>>>>>>>grill either
>>>>>>>Is that the imported dohickys or domestic?
>>>>>>Fresh or frozen?
>>>>>Organic or usual production?
>>>>Whole or cleaned?
>>>Generic or brand name?

>>Processed or integral?

> Integral??? Where in hell'd you come up with THAT!?

Trade buzzword. "Integral" foods haven't had anything done to them. They
hand you a dead fish or a whole durian and the rest is up to you. If
they handed you *half* a durian, you'd gag, of course.

There's a huge difference between "whole or cleaned" and "integral or
processed" and I'll think of it very soon.

> Jarred or canned?

BZZZZZZZZT. This assumes that it's processed. Repeat the exercise,
please, if you want credit towards the semester grade.
