"Default User" > wrote in message
> Lisa Smith wrote:
> > I live in Mid-Missouri
> [Consults the map]
> Ah, near Lake of the Ozarks I see. My Friend The Executive has a condo
> near Tan-Tar-A.
> > and while I can't get meat loaf mix, I can get
> > all three of these beans (Great Nothern, Navy and Pea) canned. In
> > fact I'm kinda astounded a the variety of canned beans here. Go
> > figure. :0)
> In my pantry, I regularly stock: black, GN, red, pinto, and light
> kidney beans. Lots of different chili-type dishes I like.
> Brian
I actually live in Jefferson City, But DD and I owned a store at the Lake
for almost 20 years. You should SEE some of the homes that people call
summer homes!
Lisa aka Pagemaster