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Sheryl Rosen
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Dee Randall at wrote on 8/25/05 6:04 PM:
> Try the polenta and see for yourself how great it is."
> I'm thinking that this is my only area of concern:
> " ---- As long as it remains air tight so that no air enters the polenta
> chub it is indeed shelf stable and does not need to be refrigerated."
> Dee Dee

Everytime I see polenta in a tube, I look at the price ($3-4!) and think
"Lord, a pound of raw corn meal costs 59 cents." Water is basically's just the half hour or so of stirring that you save. It's not
worth that amount of money to me.

Not to mention, I imagine my Roumanian grandmother shooting me with
lightning bolts from heaven for even daring to think about buying pre-made
mamaliga (polenta).
Love like you've never been hurt
Live like there's no tomorrow
And dance like there's nobody watching