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Dee Randall
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"Sheryl Rosen" > wrote in message
> Dee Randall at wrote on 8/25/05 6:04 PM:
>> Try the polenta and see for yourself how great it is."
>> I'm thinking that this is my only area of concern:
>> " ---- As long as it remains air tight so that no air enters the polenta
>> chub it is indeed shelf stable and does not need to be refrigerated."
>> Dee Dee

> Everytime I see polenta in a tube, I look at the price ($3-4!) and think
> "Lord, a pound of raw corn meal costs 59 cents." Water is basically
>'s just the half hour or so of stirring that you save. It's not
> worth that amount of money to me.
> Not to mention, I imagine my Roumanian grandmother shooting me with
> lightning bolts from heaven for even daring to think about buying pre-made
> mamaliga (polenta).
> --

I agree with you. However, I am unable to stir anymore, so any edible item
comes as a blessing. And of course at a price. I think it was 18 oz. $2.99
for one with sundried tomatoes. Cheaper than a doctor's bill at my house.
I have made polenta several times in the oven. There are two foolproof
recipes online for those who wish to look them up. In my opinion they are
just as good. No stirring. Just once in the middle of the length of the
I'm always willing to try different products and I've never seen this one on
a shelf in a tube. I've used the polenta a few times that one buys at
regular grocery stores that are in the refrigeration case. They always seem
to upset my stomach, so I was willing to try this item.

I do have the same strong feelings about bread. I make most of my bread
(buying only specialty and artisinal bread) -- unless it is a necessity to
buy it because of family obligations, my f-i-l having survived two kinds of
cancer within the last 18 months -- we have been quite busy.

Thanks for your reply.
Dee Dee