Thread: meatballs
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"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
> <snip>
>>>Pandora, use a lg spoon to do the mixing. Actually this is one
>>>application where a lg wooden spoon works nicely. Just pour a little of
>>>the cold milk in then stir. Continue in that way until the mixture
>>>sticks together. You will be able to tell when you have enough in there
>>>because it just forms a sort of big lump. Then form into balls and fry.
>>>I fry up about 10 at a time and drain those while the next 10 are frying.
>>>If freezing let cool first.

>> Ok, but what is "lg spoon"? You mean *large* spoon?
>> Pandora

> Yes lg = large.

I's a litle difficult for an italian to understand abbreviations. This time
I hit the mark )))
BTW thank you for translations
