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Default Dishwasher Safe?

In, wrote:

> Probably, plus you might find that other items in the dish washer could
> bang against the coffee pot and mar its surface.

The consensus of the cognoscenti is that the diswsher will take the shine
off the bakelite, or worse. But as far as marring the surface, this pot
is made of THICK borosilicate glass. It is unlikely to get marred by
anything short of a diamond.

One reason I like it (other than the fact that it makes great coffee, and
other than the fact that it is so old, and other than the fact that it
looks very funky in a frumpy sort of way) is that it is so strong. People
complain that their new $50 vacuum pots break when they barely tap them
against the side of the sink. This one has been dropped onto a hardwood
floor from counter height without incident. I have another Silex from the
late 1940's, and it is made of MUCH thinner glass. The modern ones are
paper-thin in comparison.

I like nice old stuff much more than cheezy new stuff. In the 1930's, if
you wanted somebody to buy your wares, they needed to be built like a
tank. Currently, I'm in the market for a toaster that looks like a
streamlined diesel locomotive

....I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...

- The Who