In article . com>,
"maxine in ri" > wrote:
> How about if you videotape yoursef cooking? Then you can review the
> tapes and figgur out what you did and how much of it you threw in.
> Sounds like you're gonna be one busy star on too many media outlets.
> Careful, or folks will get tired of seeing you.
Dying of overexposure? :-) Nah, I'm not worried. It will be over in
7 days, the Gedney folks are promoting Blueberry and Cherry Jams this
Fair, and Beth Campbell (the BlueberryJam Lady) and I are just making
the rounds for the
PR folks. It's just how it works. Besides, they're
different audiences.
> Hope Sam enjoys her first fair. While you show her the wonders of
> country living, I'll be caring for my Mom back at her house, since they
> let her out on Sunday. Only 5 months for them to get her up and out of
> there.
Uffda!! That's a long time! Take care of both of you, Maxine.
-Barb, <> Several notes since 8/18/05