Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, Jeff Bienstadt
> > wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> > The good news: I placed in 10 of the 20 canning lots I entered and 1
>> > of
>> > the 3 baking lots. There really isn't any *bad* news.
>> >
>> > First place ribbons (canning) were for Blackberry Jelly, Cherry
>> > Amaretto
>> > Jam, and Bread & Butter Pickles (Yesss-s-s-s-!!). Winning the Bread &
>> > Butter lot for the third consecutive year means that I will not be
>> > allowed to compete in that lot for two years. (*^;^*) Ain't that a
>> > shame.
>> >
>> [more entirely justified bragging snipped]
>> Congrats, Barb. It's always fun to read your reports.
>> ---jkb
> Thanks, Jeff. I've posted the Brownie recipe to my website,
> Will post it here under a new subject line.
And thanks for that. I've already grabbed it and e-mailed it to my "home"
address :-)
"Mmmm... forbidden donut."
-- Homer Simpson