This got saved to the humor file....
In article .com>,
"tomkanpa" > wrote:
> You use the smoke alarm as a cooking timer.
> You consider it a culinary success if the pop-tart stays in one piece.
> Your dog goes to the neighbors' to eat.
> Your family buys Alka Seltzer and Kaopectate in bulk.
> Your family automatically heads for the dinner table every time they
> hear a fire truck siren.
> The EPA insists that all your garbage cans be marked with biohazard
> symbols.
> Your microwave display reads "TILT!"
> Your two best recipes are meatloaf and apple pie, but your dinner
> guests can't tell which is which.
> Your pie-filling bubbles over and eats the enamel off the bottom of the
> oven.
> You've used three boxes of scouring pads and a bottle of Drano and a
> crowbar, and that macaroni and cheese still won't let go of the pan.
> You make tuna noodle surprise and the surprise is that it glows in the
> dark and melts the silverware.
> Your family prays AFTER they eat!
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson