Rudy Canoza wrote:
> Michael Balarama wrote:
> > "Rudy Canoza" > wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>"Evidence suggests remedies offer placebo effect, but
> >>no real benefits"
> >>
> >>Reuters
> >>
> >>LONDON - The world may be beating a path to the doors
> >>of homeopathic practitioners as an alternative to
> >>conventional medicines, but according to a new study
> >>they may just as well be taking nothing.
> >>
> >>The study, published in Friday's edition of the
> >>respected Lancet medical journal, is likely to anger
> >>the growing numbers of devoted practitioners of and
> >>adherents to alternative therapies that include homeopathy.
> >>
> >>more at
> >>
> >>
> >>Just like "reflexology", better known as foot massage.
> >> These therapies are quackery. They have appeal for
> >>uneducated, credulous dummies.
> >
> >
> > This study is not true
> You're a moron, Mikie. The study is *legitimate*
> (studies aren't "true", you dope), and its conclusion
> is probably correct.
> You can't question its methodology, Mikie, because you
> don't know a thing about science. You like
> "homeopathy" for some non-scientific reason, and now
> you feel that your non-scientific beliefs are being
> attacked by the study's conclusion.
Why is there noise coming out of my head when I didn't say anything!?
Someone please shoot me!