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Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Kevin Venzke" > wrote in message
>>I'm wondering what equipment one would expect to find in the kitchen
>>for a cafeteria that serves a wide variety of dishes, but not necessarily
>>at the same time. For example: a university diner for dormitory residents
>>which offers a small selection of main dishes and sides per meal, which
>>changes or cycles every day.
>>I don't know much about this subject and actually can't imagine how
>>this kind of cafeteria is possible without simply reheating something
>>frozen and bought in bulk. I've worked in fast food restaurants, but
>>there always the *same* dishes are offered every day, so that both
>>the equipment and the employees need only be able to make a few

> Same as a home kitchen, but much lager in scale. Perhaps a couple of 6
> burner ranges, lots of refrigerators, sinks, etc. Big batches are done all
> the time in cafeteria, military bases, ships, restaurants, etc.
> Menu planning is important also. Today's leftovers can be tomorrow's soup.

and those big ... hmm what are they called. Looks Like a GIANT bowl - a
steam kettle? It's like a huge bowl they can mix stuff in - and it is
heated with steam on the outside...

like this...I think I am remembering these right lol

Roberta (in VA)