Samartha Deva wrote:
>Speculating, I'd say that's how he got used to doing things which work.
>I haven't much looked into that book but that he uses no yeast with
>several white and yeast with almost every rye - well.... somewhat
>disappointing - must be caused by where he grew up.
As I recall, he apprenticed in Germany. The usual German practice is to
get a new sourdough culture at the end of the week, put it into a large
tank with flour and water at a fairly high hydration - German bakers
like their starter "pumpable", and then let sour over the weekend. On
Monday they start using it, and use it all week without refreshment.
Very sour. Not much rise. So, they add yeast to it.
I am sure there are saurerteig purists who don't do it that way, but
that is, from what I read, the usual approach.
....The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvaldis claims to be trying to take over the world...
Mike Avery mavery at mail dot otherwhen dot com
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