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Samartha Deva wrote:

> It seems that the 14 - 16 hours 1-step is his standard procedure for
> lower rye contents and the 3-stage is for higher rye %.
> Also - he seems to be using yeast in almost every rye recipe which gets
> it rising anyway, independent from the starter (with some restrictions:
> over fermented).
> I have no doubt that the recipes work and are valid.
> Will they still work without yeast? Maybe, maybe not.

if you take a look at there's the three step detmold
and the (maybe lesser known) one step detmold described there.
the one step usually takes 15-20 hours and may require baker's yeast.

i'm wondering if a stretch&fold like with wheat bread would actually change

.... and yes, i don't use capitals, at least not since '82 or so ...

happy baking,