Samartha Deva wrote:
>> i'm wondering if a stretch&fold like with wheat bread would actually
>> change that.
> Hardly - it tightens the gluten which has no influence on yeast counts
> and - won't work at all with higher rye %.
hm, i tried something like that tonight and we'll see tomorrow morning how
it went. gotta let rye bread sit for a day ...
from a rough guess i would think that my rye content is around 40-50%
when i do rye, i do quite a lot of french country style too, it's less work
and they're good except they don't preserve as well.
somewhere on the way i picked up that yeasties like air :-) so i thought a
stretch & fold may be helpful, we'll see ..
>> ... and yes, i don't use capitals, at least not since '82 or so ...
> Who cares?
thought you would :-), nice translation though