travelling with wine
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In article >,
com says...
>My wife and I will be traveling from Ohio to Las Vegas for our anniversary
>next month. We bought a bottle of wine on our honeymoon last year and
>wanted to bring that with us. According to the Southwest website we can
>bring wine on the plane. Are there any laws I need to worry about here, or
>should I be ok doing this?
>Eric Gurney
As others have said, wine shouldn't be a problem in small, carry-on
quantities, so long as you don't open a bottle on the plane - chew through the
capsule and cork?
In pre-9-11 days, I'd take two styro-shippers empty to SF and fill them, then
check them as luggage. I have NOT done this since 9-11, but doubt there would
be a problem. When checked, I'd just declare them as wine.
As for the opener(s), I travel with three different models in my checked
luggage, plus a Vacu-vin pump and about six stoppers. This allows me to open
almost every type of bottle/cork. No problems, local, national, international,
as of last week. Now, that doesn't guarantee that next week I won't get called
out for having "dangerous weapons" in my checked luggage!
Only possible problem might be US state laws, i.e. Nevada, however, any state
that has legalized prostutition, should not flench at a few personal bottles
of wine. If you plan on taking them to a restaurant during your stay, do check
first as for corkage. Don't know about NV, but in AZ and, as I recently found
out, MS, state laws can preclude corkage, for ANY fee.
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