~patches~ wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >
> >>In article .com>,
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Does anyone have an efficient technique for chopping large amounts of
> >>>parsley? Lately I've been cooking with it a lot and have found that I
> >>>get the best results when it's chopped almost to the consistency of a
> >>>fine, moist grain. This, however takes a lot of time. I tried using
> >>>my small electric chopper, but cleaning that takes almost as long as
> >>>chopping the parsley by hand. Any thoughs?
> >>>
> >>>Also, is there a difference (other than texture) between the leaves of
> >>>parsley and the stems? How about for Italian parsley?
> >>>
> >>
> >>I just dry it in the dehydrator and crush it well with my fingers.
> >>Works for me and I do really like the flavor and color!
> >
> >
> >
> > I don't see where Harry asked about dehydrating parsley... that wasn't
> > one of his concerns... and in any event it would make more sense to
> > freeze any extra fresh parsley for future use. Dehy parsley has it's
> > place but only as a last resort, a very last resort, as fresh parsley
> > is readily available at the stupidmarket all year and it's relatively
> > inexpensive. I grow my own and at the end of the growing season freeze
> > a big bagful, usually takes me through until I can grow more next
> > season. I can't remember the last time I bought parsley and even
> > though I do have a jar of dehy about the only time I use any is as an
> > occasional quickie garnish, to dust a bowl of tuna salad or the tops of
> > defiled eggs.
> >
> > Unless one didn't own a freezer why would any normal brained person
> > want to dehydrate perfectly good parsley???
> If they are anything like me, they tend to use their freezer space for
> the more expensive items like meats, fish, and poultry.
Pound for pound parsley costs about the same at the market as
porterhouse... that's primarilly why I grow my own... these days fruit
and veggies are outrageously pricey... a teeny bunch of parsley costs
over a buck, weighs about an ounce and is mostly stems, and usually was
just snatched outta the ground weeds and all... you're lucky to salvage
a few grams of leaves. I freeze just leaves, choice leaves at that...
and a zip-loc of parsley leaves flattened out takes very little freezer
space. And btw, it costs more in electrical energy to run a home
dehydrator than the parsley is worth, only a REALLY DUMB ASSHOLE would
dehydrate parsley... if it's dehy parsley you want it's cheaper and
easier to just buy dehy.
I used to grow herbs in pots on the windowsill but it's not really
worth the trouble, it's much easier to simply grow extra and freeze
enough to get through the winter. A cell-pac of six parsley plants
costs a buck, will produce enough for any large family for the entire