Thread: ghee in baking
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Iraxl Enb
Posts: n/a

its not going to spoil or anything, but the hard mass
is a pain to work with when it is inside a jar... you
can leave it out, just close tightly. We just store it
on the counter top in one or those porcelain thingies
with a lid without any problems. Ofcourse, my kids
wont let it last very long either

One of the popular kiddie snacks that my kids love is
to take a chappatti (or tortilla), slather with ghee,
sprinkle liberally with sugar, and roll them up...
Ignoring the calorie content, its good eats for adults too!


Dee Randall wrote:
> "Iraxl Enb" > wrote in message
> ...
>>i can speak to why people use ghee in india...
>>its very hot, and refrigeration is a recent concept (in Indian cultural
>>time scales). Left to the elements at Indian summer temps of above 40C,
>>100F+, butter would go rancid in a hurry, but ghee will last

> I've been storing my ghee in the refrigerator. Do you mean that ghee will
> last indefintely NOT in the refrigerator?
> Thanks.
> Dee