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In article >,
>On Mon, 29 Aug 2005 14:00:17 -0400, "Eric Gurney"
> wrote:
>>My wife and I will be traveling from Ohio to Las Vegas for our anniversary
>>next month. We bought a bottle of wine on our honeymoon last year and
>>wanted to bring that with us. According to the Southwest website we can
>>bring wine on the plane. Are there any laws I need to worry about here, or
>>should I be ok doing this?
>>Eric Gurney

>I brought 3 bottles back from a trip from Nova Scotia to Ontario last
>month in my carry on. They pulled out each botle to make sure it was
>really wine and put the explosive "sniffer" to each bottle. Only in
>Canada you say?!
>Happy anniversary!

Did the dog give the wines a rating - 3 paw taps for excellent, 2 for just OK,
etc. ? <G> Actually, I can't blame the security forces for wanting to examime
the wine bottles, so long as they allow them through, when they pass the test.
