In article >, o.
com says...
>My wife and I will be traveling from Ohio to Las Vegas for our anniversary
>next month. We bought a bottle of wine on our honeymoon last year and
>wanted to bring that with us. According to the Southwest website we can
>bring wine on the plane. Are there any laws I need to worry about here, or
>should I be ok doing this?
>Eric Gurney
And Eric, please let the group know what positives, and what negatives, you
encounter. As things like the US's TSA's rules for travel seem to change
hourly, and then there are the various state/local laws... many of us can
learn from YOUR experiences.
As I had stated, most of my "checked luggage" wine was BEFORE 9/11, so things
are probably much different now.
Most of all, enjoy your honeymoon in Las Vegas. While that is not MY sort of
town, I do get bribed about 4x/yr with the offer that I can choose all of the
restaurants - so I go along, but only for the food, the wine, and a 1hr flight
with my wife!