In article >, says
>In article >,
>Ken Blake > wrote:
>>There aren't many in-flight meals these days. And when there are,
>>the forks are plastic.
>They are not always plastic. In fact, some flights have metal knives
>as well as metal forks. You have to sit in first class to get them, though.
I've flown First, and Business First on a dozen flights in the last 9 months,
and on ALL, the dinnerware was plastic. Now, most of these were on United, and
eight originated in the US, but I have not seen any metal utinsels in about
two years. This, of course, doesn't mean that they are not there, but even in
the front cabins, I have not seen them.
And, regarding the possibility of a broken wine bottle being used as a weapon,
a ball-point pen is probably more deadly, in the right hands, than is a jagged
3ltr bottle. However, please don't tell the TSA, as I will not be able to do
the NYT cross-word puzzle in flight!