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On 31 Aug 2005 01:23:40 GMT, (Hunt) wrote:

>Thanks to everyone for the "well-wishes." So far, all but two members of my,
>and my wife's, families have been accounted for, and all of those are well.
>Some lost businesses, and others homes, but they are all safe.
>It looks like I might be very, very glad that we did all of the "old
>standards" when dining in New Orleans with the Wine & Food Experience in May,
>as many may never exist again.

That's probably an understatement. New Orleans is my second home, and
I can't begin to count all the good friends I have down there. I have
no way of contacting them now; the city is underwater and the
prognosis is distressing.

One of my pals kept his wines at his studio on Canal Blvd, in the
section of town that flooded when the 17th Street Canal levee busted
through. I know at least three others who live within blocks of the
levee. The water may be 12' deep or more in that part of town, and so
far the Army Corps hasn't had any luck sealing the break. So much for
any wine storage.

The levee has also broken through on the Metarie side. Martin Wine
Cellar has a huge store on Veterans Blvd in Metarie, as does
Dorignac's. I imagine Martin's Uptown store is also swamped.

I had $5000 worth of framed photo art stored in a shop on Tulane Ave.
Compared to what others have lost, it's less than insignificant. I can
always print new photos. I can't print new friends and loved ones.

People in New Orleans are fond of saying, "Be safe" when they part
company. It was never more appropriate than it is right now.