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rettchr wrote:
> I need directions for grilling pizza on a Weber gas grill.

go get yourself a pizza stone, get it blazing hot inside your pit/grill
I mean as hot as possible.

do all your stuff, dough, toppings, fresh cheeses, basil, etc.

6 minutes your done. toasty brown crust and top completely melted.
this is more of a fired pizza similar to a brick oven.

As far as the grilled, I grill on side of the dough, then put toppings
on that side, return it to grill to finish the top and bottom.


**********End Of Post*************

Depends what your in the mood for.
as a rule
I like a little thicker crust with lots off cheese.
Get a nice stone, Not one of theose thin round things.
Now heres my trick, set the stone on a couple rib racks or fire bricks
Place a oven thermometer on the stone, I like my temp there to be 450 + -
as a rule I do a small test one for the cook just to to get my timing. then just make your pie, slide it on and wait.
It's normally about 8-10 min each. I'm a terrible about not lifting the lid to peek