jmcquown wrote on 01 Sep 2005 in
> I know how to cook them. But stupidly, I bought a family pack (24
> thighs) and didn't separate them before I stuck the package in the
> freezer last month. If I plan to grill chicken thighs for Labor Day
> (not yet determined by law), I'll have to thaw 24 of these suckers,
> or at least partially thaw them so I can separate out about 12 of
> them. My grill is a regular Webber kettle and wouldn't hold more
> than 12 thighs. As it is, I'll have to re-freeze some of the
> *cooked* thighs which is fine because I'll have good leftovers.
> Anyway, can I safely half-defrost and then shove the rest in freezer
> bags and put them back in the freezer? Or should I plan to grill
> half and make chicken stew or cacciatore or whatever within the next
> day or so with the remaining 12 thighs?
> Jill <--kicking herself for not separating the package before
> freezing it.
I'd go the make various meals route. Say some grilled chicken Thighs,
some poached (for chicken salads or sandwiches,) some breaded and pan
fried etc.
These meals could be pre-packaged and frozen...chicken is a terrible risk
and terrible to waste as well.
The eyes are the mirrors....
But the ears...Ah the ears.
The ears keep the hat up.