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Wayne Boatwright
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On Thu 01 Sep 2005 10:08:36p, Dee Randall wrote in

> "Eric" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Dog3 > wrote in
>> 1:
>>> I have only encountered 1 continuous problem at the self checkout.
>>> Other shoppers. Where I shop there are 4 registers at the self
>>> checkout. All four of them clearly state, in huge red letters, "20
>>> items or less." Lately I've run across people using it with enormous
>>> mounds of groceries in their carts with well over the 20 item limit.
>>> This really irritates the snot out of me. I just chalk it up to
>>> illiteracy and will verbalize that thought if the opportunity arises.
>>> The shoppers obviously can not read or count.

>> It's either that or they go into the express lane with their cart full
>> of groceries. I've always said the checker should be able to make them
>> go to another aisle, but the customer is always right.

> No, the customer is not always right. A place where we've gone for
> breakfast that we all like and one full-of-herself wait-person who
> always waits on us, said to my question about a certain food, that it
> had always been done that way as long as she was there (and she was
> raised in the restaurant). I always order the same breakfast (and the
> most expensive, I might add) and it has always come out one particular
> way. After some chit-chat, I said, "But the customer is always right."
> She said, "Not here they're not." and turned on her heel and walked
> away. The next day my f-i-l wanted to go back, but I said that there
> wasn't time. But I won't go back; "I've cut off my nose to spite my
> face" and "burnt my bridges." If I had to look at her face when she
> brought me my beloved breakfast, I would choke on it. She won the
> argument, didn't have to please me, and got her 20%+ tip.
> Dee Dee

She wouldn't have gotten that tip from me.

Having said that, however, was there something different about your
breakfast that particular time? What precipitated the chit-chat and your
and her statements about the customer always being right?

Is she the only waitress there? If she isn't, I'd go back and be damned if
I sat at one of her tables.

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four,
unless there are three other people.