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Melissa A. Miles
Posts: n/a

Try that here in NYC and the checker will tell you where to go, first
literally and, if necessary, figuratively. And I mean in nice upscale
markets like Gristede's. Management backs them up and sometimes the other
customers applaud.


"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> Eric wrote:
> > Dog3 > wrote in
> > 1:
> >
> >> I have only encountered 1 continuous problem at the self checkout.
> >> Other shoppers. Where I shop there are 4 registers at the self
> >> checkout. All four of them clearly state, in huge red letters, "20
> >> items or less." Lately I've run across people using it with enormous
> >> mounds of groceries in their carts with well over the 20 item limit.
> >> This really irritates the snot out of me. I just chalk it up to
> >> illiteracy and will verbalize that thought if the opportunity arises.
> >> The shoppers obviously can not read or count.

> >
> > It's either that or they go into the express lane with their cart
> > full of groceries. I've always said the checker should be able to
> > make them go to another aisle, but the customer is always right.

> Exactly. You run into this all the time, regardless of the type of

> lane. I've never once heard a checker say "sorry, you need to go over
> there". Some people are simply discourteous and there is nothing you can

> about it unless management enforces the policy stated on the sign and

> up the employee who attempts to redirect the offender.
> Jill