Thread: Tea vs. Coffee
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That's an interesting post...I tend to think of coffee as more of a
"drug" - not refreshing like tea but effective for clearing out morning

I wouldn't characterize coffee culture as "frantic" though. I always
associate coffee breaks with relaxation and conversation.


sherdwen wrote:
> Tea vs. Coffee
> Comparing the health, history, lifestyle, caffeine content and
> characteristics of Tea vs. Coffee has been an eye opening experience
> Health benefits
> Tea - research shows that green tea may prevent cancer, restrict blood
> cholesterol, control high blood pressure, lower blood sugar, suppress
> aging, deter food poisoning prevent and treat skin disease, stop
> cavities and fight viruses
> see health benefits for more details
> Coffee- no research was found to suggest that coffee may enhance
> health. Upon reviewing the characteristics of coffee the presence of
> carbohydrates, minerals, and phenolic acid suggest the possibility of
> potential health benefits but apparently not substantial enough to be
> noteworthy
> History
> Tea - The history of tea began thousands of years ago when Emperor Shen
> Nung discovered tea in 2700 B.C.
> Coffee - The history of coffee began much later and is believed to have
> been first cultivated in Arabia near the Red Sea in 674 A.D.
> Caffeine content and effects
> Tea - Tea has approximately 55 milligrams of caffeine per cup. Various
> teas contain different amounts of caffeine. Green tea contains the
> least, about one-third the caffeine as black and oolong about
> two-thirds as much. The caffeine in tea is said to increase
> concentration, and enhance the sense of taste and smell. The effect of
> caffeine in tea usually takes longer to enter the blood stream than
> coffee therefore, seems gentler to the system. About 80% of the
> caffeine in black tea can be removed easily at home
> see tips on removing caffeine
> Coffee - Coffee has approximately 125-185 milligrams of caffeine per
> cup. The caffeine in coffee is sometimes associated with a lift
> followed by a letdown. The effects of the caffeine in coffee are
> immediate and sometimes arouse feelings of anxiety known as "coffee
> jitters". Many varieties of decaffeinated coffees are available on the
> market today.
> Note: the University of California at Berkley Wellness Letter/1988 that
> tea or coffee drunk in moderation (two reported it cups of coffee a day
> and four or five cups of black tea) has no harmful effects.
> Cost Comparison
> Tea - Tea in no longer considered an expensive luxury drink and is
> actually less expensive per cup than most beverages on the market at
> about $1.16 per cup.
> Coffee - Coffee is approximately $1.47 per cup
> Characteristics
> Tea - Tea contains tannin, catechin, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Natural
> fluorine and Polysaccharides. tannin and catechin have been associated
> with preventing cancer and heart disease
> Coffee - Coffee contains caffeine, trigonelline, chlorogenic acid,
> phenolic acid, amino acid, carbohydrates, minerals, organic acids
> aldehydes, ketones, esters, amines, and mercaptans. None of the
> ingredients in coffee have been associated with fighting disease or
> enhancing health.
> Lifestyle
> Tea - Tea is a genteel beverage requiring preparation and time to sip.
> The pace is always slow, calm and tranquil, the beverage soothing.
> Coffee - The coffee culture can be fast paced and frantic. Images of
> people in lines at the drive-through talking into microphones and
> driving around buildings to pick up huge paper cups of the daily
> special come to mind.
> Summary:
> Tea is a beverage that has been around for thousands of years and has
> always been said to prolong life and enhance health. Tea has less
> caffeine in it per cup than coffee and is one of the least expensive
> beverages on the market today. Tea promotes peace and tranquility and
> requires a degree of ceremony.
> --------------------------------------------------
> i thought this was an interesting post i found.
> personally i feel-
> the caffeine in coffee is much more "harsh" on the body, like a slap in
> the face. i find tea like a fresh breeze of air.
> --sherdwen

Oolong Tea direct from Taiwan