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Dee Randall
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"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Thu 01 Sep 2005 10:08:36p, Dee Randall wrote in
>> "Eric" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Dog3 > wrote in
>>> 1:
>>>> I have only encountered 1 continuous problem at the self checkout.
>>>> Other shoppers. Where I shop there are 4 registers at the self
>>>> checkout. All four of them clearly state, in huge red letters, "20
>>>> items or less." Lately I've run across people using it with enormous
>>>> mounds of groceries in their carts with well over the 20 item limit.
>>>> This really irritates the snot out of me. I just chalk it up to
>>>> illiteracy and will verbalize that thought if the opportunity arises.
>>>> The shoppers obviously can not read or count.
>>> It's either that or they go into the express lane with their cart full
>>> of groceries. I've always said the checker should be able to make them
>>> go to another aisle, but the customer is always right.

>> No, the customer is not always right. A place where we've gone for
>> breakfast that we all like and one full-of-herself wait-person who
>> always waits on us, said to my question about a certain food, that it
>> had always been done that way as long as she was there (and she was
>> raised in the restaurant). I always order the same breakfast (and the
>> most expensive, I might add) and it has always come out one particular
>> way. After some chit-chat, I said, "But the customer is always right."
>> She said, "Not here they're not." and turned on her heel and walked
>> away. The next day my f-i-l wanted to go back, but I said that there
>> wasn't time. But I won't go back; "I've cut off my nose to spite my
>> face" and "burnt my bridges." If I had to look at her face when she
>> brought me my beloved breakfast, I would choke on it. She won the
>> argument, didn't have to please me, and got her 20%+ tip.
>> Dee Dee

> She wouldn't have gotten that tip from me.
> Having said that, however, was there something different about your
> breakfast that particular time? What precipitated the chit-chat and your
> and her statements about the customer always being right?
> Is she the only waitress there? If she isn't, I'd go back and be damned
> if
> I sat at one of her tables.
> --
> Wayne Boatwright *¿*

My DH and f-i-l are notoriously big tippers, trying to out-do each other.
They make me sick! I tip 15% always and sometimes 20%, sometimes 25% even.
I thought to myself, if the men think I'm mad or upset, then they'll tip
more to compensate her for putting up with me. You know -- don't make

No, there was nothing even important about the way the meal was served
enough to be at an impasse. The meal I always order includes a huge piece
of french fried cinamon toast and it covers in diameter almost a whole
plate, which they always serve separately for syrup. I can tell you, it is
deliciously different than any other restaurant. This day they piled the
eggs and bacon on top of the toast on one plate, and the potatoes were
served in a smallish separate dish vs. a larger portion of potatoes on the
dish of eggs, bacon and potatoes. I didn't care about amount the potatoes.
All this started in a friendly way (or so I thought) chit-chat about the
toast being on a separate plate, but she turned surly quickly in a few
words, when she said it had never been done any other way. I knew she was
really p--sed she dropped the plate down on the table for my toast.

She is the only waitress in there everytime we've been there. It is a small
room that does a decent amount of business and has been there for years;
it's not open after late afternoon. I do believe she must be the owners'
daughter or the owner's wife, or something on that order. We usually try to
sit toward the back corner of the room because she is a presence and usually
friendly in a loud sort of way with customers that we don't care to have our
conversations overruled by. But it is no great loss, but an example of
where she actually said that the customer is not always right, with no
concern. My f-i-l sort of guffawed about it later. But DH didn't say a
word about it. I know he had his own thoughts. His usual comment over this
type of service, is 'what difference does it make? ' But no one ever gives
him any guff, he's too damned big.

Thanks for answering.
Sometimes some service still keeps on smarting.
Dee Dee