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Dee Randall wrote:
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> . uk...
>> "Desert Rainbow" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> This is the same level of abject ignorance, prejudice and hatred of
>>> Americans that I would expect to be coming from the madrassas. But
>>> instead
>>> it is coming from Western Europeans. And aren't they the ones who
>>> have have
>>> run their own countries so well that they have 2-3 times the rate of
>>> unemployment in the US?

>> I am ashamed of those people who are calling themselves Western
>> European. I can assure you they are not the norm. The people I know
>> are very sad for you all. We have had some similar things and we
>> know the heartbreak and cost
>> Ophelia
>> Scotland

> I heard on the news earlier today that Germany has offered to help
> out.
> I hear them -- "Ride of the Valkyrie"
> Dee Dee

Need I keep reminding people, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, volcanic
eruptions, Atlantis sinking into the sea ! ... all happened well before GW
got into office? This isn't about politics, people, it's about *acts of
nature* and people helping people. Great balls of fire!
