Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "-L." > wrote in message
> >
> > Really easy solution: Walk, ride a bike or use public trans.
> > Americans make themselves dependant on oil and then bitch when they
> > have to pay for it. Unbelievable.
> Not that simple. I have a 26 mile (one way) commute and there is NO public
> transportation available.
Your choice.
> Used to be a couple of trains that I could take,
> but they stopped running them after the 1955 flood.
Move. Change jobs. Change careers. Need I list more options...?
> Your "simple" solution requires a revamping of the US economy, major changes
> in the infrastructure (highways and public transportation) and probably
> major changes in careers and job skills to locations closer to home.
Not necessarily. Most people choose to rely on their cars. It's a
choice. You can make othwer choice to make yourself less dependant on
cars. But no one wants to make the sacrifices they would have to make
(change in lifestyle being a biggie) in order to do so.