In article >, Graphic Queen
> wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 04:40:32 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
> >sf wrote:
> >
> >> Sandi - you're absolutely right. Those who could leave, did leave.
> >> Those who stayed either couldn't leave or were fool hearty.
> >
> >
> >
> >If I had a year's supply of food and water, I'd still leave for a good
> >while.
> >
> >In practical terms, New Orleans is dead.
> >
> >Imho,
> >
> >Andy
> And they should not rebuild in the same place at all.
What about all those Florida and East Coast habitats that are always
getting hit and the homes and beaches rebuilt, much of it with taxpayer
money. Maybe it's just the NO ghettos that shouldn't be rebuilt?
How about building only gated/leveed communities; I bet Donald Trump
might be interested.